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Investissements Immobilier Conseil

Phone. 06 27 51 97 34 - 07 82 24 07 84

Partenaire indépendant de la SAS ICA Patrimoine


About Us

Based in La Ciotat we are the  english speaking agency and one of the 26 branches of ICA Patrimoine.

ICA Patrimoine founded in 2009 is today implanted nationwide in France with 26 agencies, 220 independant consultants and 80 employees in the Toulouse Head Office. 


Successive french governments
have brought out legislation to provide all french  tax payers the possibility of using their income tax to finance property investments which are new builds bought off plan and to be let.
This is due to a chronique lack of housing for the private sector and for students attending universities  thus giving us all interesting opportunities to create capital or rental income.

Our Job

is to help our clients use their income tax to invest in property  and therefore create capital and / or retirement income. After a free financial check up we will interpret, for all french tax payers the different legislation concerning tax leverage on new builds to let and guide them through their investments.

Why choose Us ?

The leading specialist in this sector we will advise you step by step on how  to find :

1) The RIGHT developer  with the RIGHT building garanties.
2) The RIGHT purchase price and in the RIGHT area.
3) The RIGHT garantees to secoure rental income for a safe and durable property investment.


Couple âgé Pratiquer le yoga


Have a question ?

Investissements Immobilier Conseil

365 avenue des Genévriers

13600 La Ciotat, FRANCE

Phone. 06 27 51 97 34 - 07 82 24 07 84

Let's keep in touch !

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